SWSPHN Antenatal Shared Care Program

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Antenatal Shared Care (ANSC) is an option offered to all pregnant women who are assessed as suitable for the program. Care is provided collaboratively by the general practitioner (GP) and the hospital-based service.

The ANSC program aims to:

  • Provide pregnant women with flexibility, choice, and continuity of care
  • Cater for the preferences and needs of women from culturally and diverse backgrounds
  • Enhance the skills of GPs caring for women during pregnancy
  • Promote communication between GPs and the participating hospitals

To provide ANSC to pregnant women who are giving birth in South Western Sydney Local Health District hospitals, GPs must be recognised as an ANSC provider. To become a recognised provider, a GP completes the application and attends a mandatory ANSC orientation session.

To maintain ANSC recognition GPs must complete 3 hours of pregnancy-related continuous professional development (CPD) each year. Evidence of CPD attendance is to be provided to SWSPHN.

CPD hours can be recorded across different types of activities. To ensure the relevance of any external CPD, please consult the list of eligible ANSC topics.

The February 2025 issue of the Baby Monitor is now available

Issue 24 of the Baby Monitor, the SWSPHN Antenatal Shared Care newsletter, is now available to download. You can access it here or from the newsletter folder in the documents section.

Quick Link to HealthPathways

Maternity service phone numbers by hospital

ANC fax9722 83984861 01874634 47004654 61709616 85218738 3216
ANC phone9722 83334861 02244634 49634654 62229616 85078738 4197
Booking no.9722 83334861 02244634 49634654 62229616 85078738 4197
Birthing Unit9722 78704861 02244634 40999616 82608738 5626
Genetics Clinic8738 4665 (district-wide service)
GP Liaison Midwife0484 627 228 or 0402 792 820
Pregnancy Complications
<20/40ED or EPAS
9722 8333
4634 4724 / 0437 963 828
8738 5632
> 40Birthing Unit
For urgent, referral contact the Birthing Unit. For advice, contact the ANSC Liaison midwife

Antenatal Shared Care (ANSC) is an option offered to all pregnant women who are assessed as suitable for the program. Care is provided collaboratively by the general practitioner (GP) and the hospital-based service.

The ANSC program aims to:

  • Provide pregnant women with flexibility, choice, and continuity of care
  • Cater for the preferences and needs of women from culturally and diverse backgrounds
  • Enhance the skills of GPs caring for women during pregnancy
  • Promote communication between GPs and the participating hospitals

To provide ANSC to pregnant women who are giving birth in South Western Sydney Local Health District hospitals, GPs must be recognised as an ANSC provider. To become a recognised provider, a GP completes the application and attends a mandatory ANSC orientation session.

To maintain ANSC recognition GPs must complete 3 hours of pregnancy-related continuous professional development (CPD) each year. Evidence of CPD attendance is to be provided to SWSPHN.

CPD hours can be recorded across different types of activities. To ensure the relevance of any external CPD, please consult the list of eligible ANSC topics.

The February 2025 issue of the Baby Monitor is now available

Issue 24 of the Baby Monitor, the SWSPHN Antenatal Shared Care newsletter, is now available to download. You can access it here or from the newsletter folder in the documents section.

Quick Link to HealthPathways

Maternity service phone numbers by hospital

ANC fax9722 83984861 01874634 47004654 61709616 85218738 3216
ANC phone9722 83334861 02244634 49634654 62229616 85078738 4197
Booking no.9722 83334861 02244634 49634654 62229616 85078738 4197
Birthing Unit9722 78704861 02244634 40999616 82608738 5626
Genetics Clinic8738 4665 (district-wide service)
GP Liaison Midwife0484 627 228 or 0402 792 820
Pregnancy Complications
<20/40ED or EPAS
9722 8333
4634 4724 / 0437 963 828
8738 5632
> 40Birthing Unit
For urgent, referral contact the Birthing Unit. For advice, contact the ANSC Liaison midwife

  • Calling all GPs! Antenatal Redesign Focus Groups

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    South West Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) Maternity Services is undertaking one of the largest scale redesign projects ever attempted within the history of the Local Health District. The Antenatal Redesign Project is seeking to change a 100 year old system of antenatal care.

    The overall purpose of the project is to provide safe, equitable care that is accessible to all women and broaden the implementation of first trimester screening. Three working parties have been established and each include representatives from the General Practitioners of South West Sydney. The first working party is focused on consumer information and engagement, with a priority on women receiving timely and culturally specific information. The second working party has an emphasis on the referral processes, with the last working party focusing on the coordination of first trimester screening for all women in SWSLHD.

    The consumer information and engagement working party wants to hear directly from all general practitioners. Focus group sessions have been set aside to hear from you, for you to provide your thoughts on antenatal care, and how to improve systems and processes between GP’s and SWSLHD hospitals.

    Should you have any questions about the focus groups or would like to be involved and cannot attend a session, please contact Nicole Grieg- Antenatal Redesign Project Manager- via Nicole.grieg@health.nsw.gov.au or 0419 440 943.

  • Booking in My Pregnancy (BiMP)

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    Booking in My Pregnancy (BiMP) is an online questionaire that women complete to register their pregnancy with their local maternity service within South West Sydney Local Health District. Women complete the questionaire via their computer or personal device, and at completion a PDF summary is generated and automatically sent to their local hospital.

    The woman can access the questionaire via scanning the QR code or through the link.

    The online questionaire facilitates the identification of risk factors that the woman may have which can impact their pregnancy.

    The questionaire can be completed in English, Arabic or Vietnamese. An English PDF version is sent to the hospital automatically. From there the hospital will contact the woman to book her first appointment.

    The address that the woman enters into the questionaire is geo-locked to that location, and the PDF summary is sent to the hospital local to that nominated address.

    There is an option for the GP to complete either the questionaire on behalf of the woman or a referral via the BiMP landing page.

    All information collected via the questionaire is kept securely on the South West Sydney Local Health District computer servers.

  • Safety Notice: Syphilis cases in Pregnancy increasing. New recommendations for antenatal screening.

    Share Safety Notice: Syphilis cases in Pregnancy increasing. New recommendations for antenatal screening. on Facebook Share Safety Notice: Syphilis cases in Pregnancy increasing. New recommendations for antenatal screening. on Twitter Share Safety Notice: Syphilis cases in Pregnancy increasing. New recommendations for antenatal screening. on Linkedin Email Safety Notice: Syphilis cases in Pregnancy increasing. New recommendations for antenatal screening. link
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    Recommendations have changed for syphillis screening during pregnancy following an increase in case numbers across NSW. Cases have been reported even amongst population groups that were not previously considered to be high risk. A safety notice has been distributed to NSW Health, advising clinicians to screen antenatal women twice during pregnancy. The recommeded times for screening during pregnancy are at initial pregnancy screening and repeated again at 26-28 weeks gestation. The safety notice can viewed in full via the Clinical Excellence Commission.

  • Gynaecology & Gynae-Oncology Study Day- John Hunter Hospital

    Share Gynaecology & Gynae-Oncology Study Day- John Hunter Hospital on Facebook Share Gynaecology & Gynae-Oncology Study Day- John Hunter Hospital on Twitter Share Gynaecology & Gynae-Oncology Study Day- John Hunter Hospital on Linkedin Email Gynaecology & Gynae-Oncology Study Day- John Hunter Hospital link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    John Hunter Hospital is offering a CPD opportunity on common gynaecology and gynae-oncology topics on November 4th, 2022.

    The study day is available to attend both face to face or virtually.

    Topics included are:

    • hyperemesis
    • ovarian cysts
    • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
    • termination of pregnancy
    • pelvic pain
    • urogynaecology
    • gynae-oncology topics

    Registrations close 28th October. To register contact: Kathryn.Bourke@health.nsw.gov.au or Anne.Mellon@health.nsw.gov.au.

  • Free Prenatal Screening and Down Syndrome

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    Australian College of Midwives are offering a free Prenatal Screening and Down syndrome eLearning course

    At the end of this eLearning course, you will be able to:
    1. Explain what Down syndrome is;
    2. Describe what informed consent is, and how this relates to
    prenatal screening;
    3. Outline the screening and diagnosis options, and discuss the difference between screening and diagnosis;
    4. Explore how best to communicate with women about prenatal screening, including how and who to refer families to, to support informed decision making; and
    5. Consider how midwives can best support and care for women and their families surrounding prenatal screening, options and decision-making in a way which respects diversity as well as a woman’s right to make an informed choice.

    This course is free to access for all and equivalent to 1 CPD point

    Follow this link


  • South Western Sydney Integrated Diabetes Case Conferencing

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    South Western Sydney Primary Health Network and South Western Sydney Local Health District are working together to enhance diabetes care in the area.

    Diabetes Case Conference Clinic Days are now available for GPs in South West Sydney.

    • Case conferencing can assist GPs to support patients who present with diabetes (Type 2).
    • Case conferencing with an Endocrinologist in collaboration with the patients GP will provide robust clinical care and decrease admissions to the hospital
    • Prior verbal or written consent from patient is required.

    An Endocrinologist and Diabetes Educator will attend your practice for the day, where 10 eligible patients will each receive a 40-minute case conference. A follow up half day will occur 6 months later, where each patient will have a 20-minute case conference. Education will be provided, and you will be supported to run quality improvement initiatives for Diabetes.

    What are the Benefits to My Practice?

    • Access to billing for MBS chronic disease items for case conferencing, GP management plans, Team Care Arrangements and items of Diabetes Cycles of Care, as eligible.
    • Diabetes Specialist service without extra cost to the patient
    • Reduce waiting time for patients to access specialist care
    • Increased patient satisfaction with a comprehensive, integrated, and interdisciplinary management approach in the one location

    For more information, or to discuss booking a Case Conference Clinic day, please visit https://healthchat.swsphn.com.au/diabetes-special-interest-group?preview=true or contact Kathryn.dovey@swsphn.com.au

  • COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy -UPDATED-

    Share COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy -UPDATED- on Facebook Share COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy -UPDATED- on Twitter Share COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy -UPDATED- on Linkedin Email COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy -UPDATED- link

    COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy

    • Updated on 29 April 2022 to include:
      • Updated information on Nuvaxovid (Novavax)
      • Booster dose information has been updated to include people aged 16 and 17 years
      • Updated information on vaccine safety and effectiveness in pregnant individuals and infants has been included.
    • Important point (page 6):
      • Can COVID-19 vaccines be given at the same time as influenza or other vaccines?
        • Yes. Evidence demonstrates that co-administering (i.e. given at the same time) a COVID-19 vaccine and an influenza vaccine is safe and produces good immune responses to both vaccines.
        • COVID-19 vaccines can also be co-administered with other vaccines, such as the pertussis vaccine, if required. There are limited data, however, on using COVID-19 vaccines at the same time as other vaccines.
        • It is important to balance the need for co-administration of vaccines with delivering vaccines on separate visits, as there is the potential for an increase in mild to moderate adverse events when more than one vaccine is given at the same time. It can also make it harder to attribute potential adverse events to specific vaccines.
  • ANSC Exclusion Criteria V2 Updated April 2022

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    The ANSC exclusion was updated on the 04/04/2022 .

    The changes made are solely regarding COVID-19 in pregnancy and now allows many of our COVID-19 recovered women to participate in ANSC

    Included/can participate in ANSC

    • Women who contracted COVID-19 <14/40
    • Women who experienced asymptomatic/mild COVID-19 in pregnancy not requiring admission
      • These women will require a post recovery O&G review with their referral hospital antenatal clinic before returning to ANSC +/- 3rd trimester scan and any additional hospital-based visits explained and scheduled as decided upon at this consult.
      • At this consult the Obstetric team need to discuss:

    Excluded/can not participate in ANSC

    • Women who contracted COVID-19 >14/40 that suffered moderate, serious or critical COVID-19 (requiring hospital admission) >14/40

    Please ensure all your COVID-19 recovered women have attended an O&G review post isolation before returning to ANSC. If any of your women suffered moderate, serious or critical COVID-19 (requiring hospital admission) >14/40 please direct them back to the hospital antenatal clinic for ongoing care and management.

  • Update on Clinical Genetics Referral

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    Liverpool Hospital Genetics department has recently updated their referral form into the service.

    Could we kindly ask that you discard any old referral forms and replace with the December 2021 update.

    With the new referral form also comes amended referral pathways. Please review the referral instruction document to ensure you are following the new pathways.

  • Resolving Feedback Procedure

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    The primary objective of this procedure is to assist the Antenatal Shared Care (ANSC) Operations Group to identify and immediately address feedback or concerns raised about a General Practitioner (GP) with regards to the provision of antenatal share care. The procedure aims to ensure the GP reaches and maintains a satisfactory standard of compliance to the ANSC program in South West Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD). To view the procedure, click here.

Page last updated: 17 Feb 2025, 10:36 AM