Calling all GPs! Antenatal Redesign Focus Groups

South West Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) Maternity Services is undertaking one of the largest scale redesign projects ever attempted within the history of the Local Health District. The Antenatal Redesign Project is seeking to change a 100 year old system of antenatal care.
The overall purpose of the project is to provide safe, equitable care that is accessible to all women and broaden the implementation of first trimester screening. Three working parties have been established and each include representatives from the General Practitioners of South West Sydney. The first working party is focused on consumer information and engagement, with a priority on women receiving timely and culturally specific information. The second working party has an emphasis on the referral processes, with the last working party focusing on the coordination of first trimester screening for all women in SWSLHD.
The consumer information and engagement working party wants to hear directly from all general practitioners. Focus group sessions have been set aside to hear from you, for you to provide your thoughts on antenatal care, and how to improve systems and processes between GP’s and SWSLHD hospitals.
Should you have any questions about the focus groups or would like to be involved and cannot attend a session, please contact Nicole Grieg- Antenatal Redesign Project Manager- via or 0419 440 943.