Booking in My Pregnancy (BiMP)

Booking in My Pregnancy (BiMP) is an online questionaire that women complete to register their pregnancy with their local maternity service within South West Sydney Local Health District. Women complete the questionaire via their computer or personal device, and at completion a PDF summary is generated and automatically sent to their local hospital.
The woman can access the questionaire via scanning the QR code or through the link.
The online questionaire facilitates the identification of risk factors that the woman may have which can impact their pregnancy.
The questionaire can be completed in English, Arabic or Vietnamese. An English PDF version is sent to the hospital automatically. From there the hospital will contact the woman to book her first appointment.
The address that the woman enters into the questionaire is geo-locked to that location, and the PDF summary is sent to the hospital local to that nominated address.
There is an option for the GP to complete either the questionaire on behalf of the woman or a referral via the BiMP landing page.
All information collected via the questionaire is kept securely on the South West Sydney Local Health District computer servers.