SWSPHN Antenatal Shared Care Program

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Antenatal Shared Care (ANSC) is an option offered to all pregnant women who are assessed as suitable for the program. Care is provided collaboratively by the general practitioner (GP) and the hospital-based service.

The ANSC program aims to:

  • Provide pregnant women with flexibility, choice, and continuity of care
  • Cater for the preferences and needs of women from culturally and diverse backgrounds
  • Enhance the skills of GPs caring for women during pregnancy
  • Promote communication between GPs and the participating hospitals

To provide ANSC to pregnant women who are giving birth in South Western Sydney Local Health District hospitals, GPs must be recognised as an ANSC provider. To become a recognised provider, a GP completes the application and attends a mandatory ANSC orientation session.

To maintain ANSC recognition GPs must complete 3 hours of pregnancy-related continuous professional development (CPD) each year. Evidence of CPD attendance is to be provided to SWSPHN.

CPD hours can be recorded across different types of activities. To ensure the relevance of any external CPD, please consult the list of eligible ANSC topics.

The November 2024 issue of the Baby Monitor is now available

Issue 23 of the Baby Monitor, the SWSPHN Antenatal Shared Care newsletter, is now available to download. You can access it here or from the newsletter folder in the documents section.

Quick Link to HealthPathways

Maternity service phone numbers by hospital

ANC fax9722 83984861 01874634 47004654 61709616 85218738 3216
ANC phone9722 83334861 02244634 49634654 62229616 85078738 4197
Booking no.9722 83334861 02244634 49634654 62229616 85078738 4197
Birthing Unit9722 78704861 02244634 40999616 82608738 5626
Genetics Clinic8738 4665 (district-wide service)
GP Liaison Midwife0484 627 228 or 0402 792 820
Pregnancy Complications
<20/40ED or EPAS
9722 8333
4634 4724 / 0437 963 828
8738 5632
> 40Birthing Unit
For urgent, referral contact the Birthing Unit. For advice, contact the ANSC Liaison midwife

Antenatal Shared Care (ANSC) is an option offered to all pregnant women who are assessed as suitable for the program. Care is provided collaboratively by the general practitioner (GP) and the hospital-based service.

The ANSC program aims to:

  • Provide pregnant women with flexibility, choice, and continuity of care
  • Cater for the preferences and needs of women from culturally and diverse backgrounds
  • Enhance the skills of GPs caring for women during pregnancy
  • Promote communication between GPs and the participating hospitals

To provide ANSC to pregnant women who are giving birth in South Western Sydney Local Health District hospitals, GPs must be recognised as an ANSC provider. To become a recognised provider, a GP completes the application and attends a mandatory ANSC orientation session.

To maintain ANSC recognition GPs must complete 3 hours of pregnancy-related continuous professional development (CPD) each year. Evidence of CPD attendance is to be provided to SWSPHN.

CPD hours can be recorded across different types of activities. To ensure the relevance of any external CPD, please consult the list of eligible ANSC topics.

The November 2024 issue of the Baby Monitor is now available

Issue 23 of the Baby Monitor, the SWSPHN Antenatal Shared Care newsletter, is now available to download. You can access it here or from the newsletter folder in the documents section.

Quick Link to HealthPathways

Maternity service phone numbers by hospital

ANC fax9722 83984861 01874634 47004654 61709616 85218738 3216
ANC phone9722 83334861 02244634 49634654 62229616 85078738 4197
Booking no.9722 83334861 02244634 49634654 62229616 85078738 4197
Birthing Unit9722 78704861 02244634 40999616 82608738 5626
Genetics Clinic8738 4665 (district-wide service)
GP Liaison Midwife0484 627 228 or 0402 792 820
Pregnancy Complications
<20/40ED or EPAS
9722 8333
4634 4724 / 0437 963 828
8738 5632
> 40Birthing Unit
For urgent, referral contact the Birthing Unit. For advice, contact the ANSC Liaison midwife

  • Upcoming ANSC CPD Events

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  • HPV self-collection: Live CPD webinars on 11 June and 19 June

    Share HPV self-collection: Live CPD webinars on 11 June and 19 June on Facebook Share HPV self-collection: Live CPD webinars on 11 June and 19 June on Twitter Share HPV self-collection: Live CPD webinars on 11 June and 19 June on Linkedin Email HPV self-collection: Live CPD webinars on 11 June and 19 June link
    supporting image

    A new Australian Government funded national cervical screening campaign is commencing in September and is likely to increase patient demand for the HPV self-collection option.

    In advance of this patient-facing campaign, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has funded the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer to undertake a nationwide healthcare provider awareness campaign, ‘HPV Self-Collection: Are YOU ready to support the choice?’. The campaign aims to encourage healthcare providers to ensure their practices are ready to offer the HPV self-collection option to all who are eligible in advance of the patient-facing campaign.

    HPV self-collection allows screening participants to take their own vaginal sample for HPV testing. Self-collection is one of the best tools we have available to increase cervical screening participation, address disparities in screening, and keep us on track to eliminate cervical cancer in Australia by 2035.

    Find resources CPD online learning modules, videos, and information on how to support under-screened groups at www.acpcc.org.au/self-collection-campaign.

    You can:

    To find out more, contact:

  • Safety Notice- Measles

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    Please see the NSW Health Safety Notice regarding Measles.

    Please be mindful of measles amongst pregnant women, or women planning conception. Risks for the pregnant population are increased for miscarriage, preterm birth and low-birth weight.

    More details for measles identification, management/treatment can be found in the Measles HealthPathway.

    Additional information for women who may have been exposed or have contracted measles whilst pregnant can found through Pregnancy, Birth and Baby.

    Women can scan the below QR code to access the resource if required:

    Link to the Safety Notice document online.

  • Recorded Webinar: Syphilis and congenital syphilis- how to test, treat and manage

    Share Recorded Webinar: Syphilis and congenital syphilis- how to test, treat and manage on Facebook Share Recorded Webinar: Syphilis and congenital syphilis- how to test, treat and manage on Twitter Share Recorded Webinar: Syphilis and congenital syphilis- how to test, treat and manage on Linkedin Email Recorded Webinar: Syphilis and congenital syphilis- how to test, treat and manage link

  • Measuring your outcomes for antenatal and postnatal care with RACGPSI Chair Dr Ka-Kiu Cheung

    Share Measuring your outcomes for antenatal and postnatal care with RACGPSI Chair Dr Ka-Kiu Cheung on Facebook Share Measuring your outcomes for antenatal and postnatal care with RACGPSI Chair Dr Ka-Kiu Cheung on Twitter Share Measuring your outcomes for antenatal and postnatal care with RACGPSI Chair Dr Ka-Kiu Cheung on Linkedin Email Measuring your outcomes for antenatal and postnatal care with RACGPSI Chair Dr Ka-Kiu Cheung link

    FREE CPD Event:

    Meeting your Measuring Outcomes CPD hours can feel daunting and complex, but it doesn't need to be.

    During this webinar RACGPSI Antenatal and Postnatal Chair, Dr Ka-Kiu Cheung, will provide ideas of practical quality improvements that you can implement into your practice.

    Dr Cheung will explore examples of key criteria that you can focus on, allowing you to better support your patients during and after pregnancy.

    For further information and to register please visit the RACGP Event page.

  • Cervical Screening during pregnancy

    Share Cervical Screening during pregnancy on Facebook Share Cervical Screening during pregnancy on Twitter Share Cervical Screening during pregnancy on Linkedin Email Cervical Screening during pregnancy link
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    The NSW Cervical Screening Program has developed a new resource in collaboration with the Cervical Screening During Pregnancy Project Working Group. The purpose is to provide up-to-date cervical screening information to all healthcare providers who work with women during pregnancy care.

    The full presentation can be found here.

    For National Cervical Screening Program resources visit here.

    For Family Planning Australia training courses, including provision of clinician-collected and self-collected samples visit here.

  • 2023: GPSC in Review

    Share 2023: GPSC in Review on Facebook Share 2023: GPSC in Review on Twitter Share 2023: GPSC in Review on Linkedin Email 2023: GPSC in Review link

  • NSW Health Syphilis in Pregnancy and Newborns- 'Policy in a Pinch'

    Share NSW Health Syphilis in Pregnancy and Newborns- 'Policy in a Pinch' on Facebook Share NSW Health Syphilis in Pregnancy and Newborns- 'Policy in a Pinch' on Twitter Share NSW Health Syphilis in Pregnancy and Newborns- 'Policy in a Pinch' on Linkedin Email NSW Health Syphilis in Pregnancy and Newborns- 'Policy in a Pinch' link

    The below is a summary only of the NSW Health Syphilis in Pregnancy and Newborns policy guideline and the Syphilis HealthPathway. Both the full policy guideline and HealthPathway should be revised. The full policy is found here. The full Syphilis HealthPathway is found here.

  • SWSLHD Vitamin D & Pregnancy 'Policy in a Pinch'

    Share SWSLHD Vitamin D & Pregnancy 'Policy in a Pinch' on Facebook Share SWSLHD Vitamin D & Pregnancy 'Policy in a Pinch' on Twitter Share SWSLHD Vitamin D & Pregnancy 'Policy in a Pinch' on Linkedin Email SWSLHD Vitamin D & Pregnancy 'Policy in a Pinch' link

    SWSLHD has released a district-wide policy guideline on Vitamin D Screening and Management for pregnancy. The below is a summary only and the full policy guideline should be revised. The full policy is found here in the 'Protocols, Policies and Guidelines' folder.

  • Birthing on Country: What does birthing on country mean to you?

    Share Birthing on Country: What does birthing on country mean to you? on Facebook Share Birthing on Country: What does birthing on country mean to you? on Twitter Share Birthing on Country: What does birthing on country mean to you? on Linkedin Email Birthing on Country: What does birthing on country mean to you? link

    Featuring interviews filmed during the Best Start to Life 2022 National Gathering at Mparntwe (Alice Springs) alongside breath-taking Australian landscapes, this educational documentary explores the many meanings of Birthing on Country.

    The video 'What does birthing on country mean to you?' has been developed through the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre. For more information on birthing on Country and other work developed through the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre, visit: Birthing on Country or Charles Darwin University.

Page last updated: 03 Feb 2025, 12:12 PM