Mental Health & Alcohol & Other Drugs Roundtable

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Welcome to the Mental Health & Alcohol & Other Drugs Roundtable

The Mental Health (MH) & Alcohol & Other Drugs (AOD) Roundtable brings together key stakeholders who support people experiencing mental health and/or alcohol and other drug issues in our region.

This page is an opportunity for drug, alcohol and mental health professionals, service providers and other relevant organisations to network, receive updates on future events, ask questions and find out important information.

About the MH & AOD Roundtable

Working together for better health outcomes

Our MH and AOD needs assessments have found local residents often present to general practice

Welcome to the Mental Health & Alcohol & Other Drugs Roundtable

The Mental Health (MH) & Alcohol & Other Drugs (AOD) Roundtable brings together key stakeholders who support people experiencing mental health and/or alcohol and other drug issues in our region.

This page is an opportunity for drug, alcohol and mental health professionals, service providers and other relevant organisations to network, receive updates on future events, ask questions and find out important information.

About the MH & AOD Roundtable

Working together for better health outcomes

Our MH and AOD needs assessments have found local residents often present to general practice or specialised mental health or drug and alcohol services with co-occurring needs. However, many local services need an increased awareness of AOD and MH services that are available across the region.

Together, we can work on developing effective strategies to tackle these comorbid issues and improve outcomes for this vulnerable population while increasing the capacity of our workforce.

Who we are

The roundtables attract participants from organisations including: One Door Health Care, Community Links Wellbeing, Youth off the Streets, Wellways, Mission Australia, South Western Sydney Local Health District, St Vincent de Paul – Rendu House, Odyssey House, DAMEC, Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation, Headspace, Karitane and Dokotela.

What we do

The roundtables give participants the opportunity to learn more about other services available in the region, to network and discuss referral pathways and options, with the aim of improving services and support for people with drug and alcohol, and mental health co-morbidity.

We discuss effective strategies of care for Comorbid Mental Illness and Illicit Substance Use, this includes; further workforce education and training opportunities, problems that workers face and what actions to overcome these barriers.

Meetings include a diverse range of guest speakers such as a local Mental Health Nurse Practitioner discussing their work in supporting consumers with co-morbidities, presentations from SWSPHN staff about our commissioned services as well as highlighting other supports and resources.

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Are questions asked immediately visible to other participants?

No. Questions in this section are not immediately visible to others on the page. We will usually answer your question privately unless we feel that the rest of the group will benefit from the response. In this case we will publish the question and answer in this section.

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Page last updated: 07 Feb 2023, 09:48 AM