NEW online learning module: Introduction to Syphilis for Clinicians providing antenatal care // NSW Health Syphilis in Pregnancy and Newborns Guideline
Over the last year, there has been considerable discussion around the rise in syphilis cases in New South Wales, and more broadly across Australia. Clinicians have seen Safety Alerts released via the Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) outlining the need to increase syphilis screening during pregnancy, and education via South West Sydney Primary Health Network (SWSPHN) targeting syphilis and congenital syphilis. NSW Health has now released a formal guideline for Syphilis in Pregnancy and Newborns. To support the policy guideline, the AHSM has developed a 1-hour online module for clinicians who provide antenatal care.
To access the online learning module, simply click the image below and register.
In August, a webinar event was recorded on the topic. Dr Chris Carmody (Staff Specialist for Sexual Health at Liverpool Hospital), Dr Michelle Dunn (Maternal Fetal Medicine Subspecialty Trainee- Liverpool Hospital) and Cherie Bennet (Clinical Nurse Consultant) from AHSM presented information and case studies on the topics of syphilis and congenital syphils. The video can be viewed below or via the SWSPHN Youtube channel.
The link for the online module will continue to be available via the online CPD tab within the ANSC Healthchat. Additionally, the link to the policy guideline will also continue to be available via the Protocols, Policies and Guidelines tab.
The gold standard resource for perinatal infecion management is the current edition of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) guidelines Management of Perinatal Infections.