Helping Vulnerable Client obtain additional Respite Care weeks and assisting to obtain Residential permanent care
Referral submitted by Liverpool ACAT team.
Client lives alone no family support. Client was out of country had health issues (Heart Condition).
Was flown into AUS by immigration on a priority visa. Client was admitted into Liverpool Hospital.
Upon discharge client did not have home to stay, client was accommodated in care facility under Respite care services. ACAT team reached out to Care Finder team to assist client find permanent residential care. Care finder team was able to make connect with client on mobile. However, later couldn't contact client. Care Finder team made more than 05 follow-up's and were able to connect with client. Made appointment with client to meet in person. Meeting was arranged between client, care finer and facility manager. Client expressed his concerns and needs. Care finder was able to understand the needs of the client, discussed client concerns with facility manager and were able to plan the next steps to assist and support client. As part of the discussion with client and respite care facility manager it was identified that client was left with only 1 weeks of respite care. Care finder immediately reached out to ACAT assessor requesting for an extension of Respite Care services and the same was provided to Facility manager where client was receiving Respite Care. During the Respite Care extension period Care Finder worked with ACAT assessor, ACAT assessment was arranged to generate a Permanent Residential care. ACAT was able to generate the code and provided the same to client who consented to stay with the same facility where he was receiving Respite Care. Client is now in Permanent Residential Care and supported well.